BOOST Fellowship in partnership with UNICEF Zimbabwe, Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and hospitality, Business Council for Sustainable Development Zimbabwe (BCSDZ) and other civil society organizations implemented the green jobs program under the Green Innovations Facility II, an incubation space supported by Embassy of Sweden in Zimbabwe, where young people contributed to sustainable development through novel ideas around smart and sustainable energy. 20 green interns were recruited and placed on internship in 2017-2018 and initiated projects which helped to reduce negative impacts on the environment leading to environmental, economic and socially sustainable enterprises and economies. The initiative created employment in the renewable energy value chain. 60% were female interns.
The Green interns were capacitated on the Understanding of Environmental Health and Safety standards e.g ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems; Understanding of environmental issues e.g. climate change, global warming, safe chemicals management, waste management, water, renewable energy and biodiversity.